Saturday, 15 December 2018

4 Reasons Why Machine Translation Can Never Replace Human Translators

You might have come across Google Translate and many similar techniques. Isn’t it? Have you read about funniest Google translations ever? This is what machine translation does. It cannot provide an intelligible translation of texts that are a bit more complex than everyday speech. If you don’t believe me try some native language translations and see the absurd results!
So, almost topic of debate is concluded. Yet, let’s take it to the next level. Looking for language interpretation services in India can be helpful too. Here are 4 reasons that will make you believe that machine translation can never replace human translators.
Machine Cannot Translate Ideas and Emotions
Machines are based on certain programming algorithms. So, they stick to inter-language algorithms developed by humans to convert a line of words from one language into another using dictionaries and grammar rules. But, there are different connotations of similar words in different languages, which are based on cultural influences. So, translation becomes a complex process to reach the targeted audience, and machines can rarely understand these ideas.
Machines Cannot Rectify the Problems
To err is human, but the human minds also have the ability to recognize the mistakes. But, do you think a machine can do the same? The machine is fed the target text, so it cannot tell the semantic mistakes, wrong terms, erroneous and contradictory statements, etc. But, yes they can handle some most frequent typos.
Machines Cannot Transcreate
More or less often, translators not just translate the words. But, they also translate the emotions and expressions behind the context. So, it is very tough for the machine to create emotionally colored messages for marketing and advertising materials, as you today. Transcreation is done by finding an adequate equivalent in the target language and sometimes even rebuild the entire sentence which is almost impossible for a machine. Interpreting services in India can provide you complete peace of mind and precise solution to translate languages.
Machines Cannot Analyze the Cultural Influence over Language
Translators have to find and use the words and structures inherent to certain languages which are results of cultures. Linguists have a deep understanding of both languages (source and target) and cultures, which help them in effective translation. It is almost impossible by machine translation engines.
So, it is almost clear that machines can rarely replace human translations. Keep reading our posts for more updates on changing techniques of translation.

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